Large ears
City bending
A man named Jeff Keith has emerged to take responsibility for some of the unofficial decorations. Keith is de oprichter van een non-profitorganisatie die vecht tegen mensenhandel, en de googly-eye gag zorgde voor een broodnodige lichtheid te midden van alle “zware dingen” die hij op het werk ziet, zoals hij de vertelt Associated Press
Keith launched the Bend-based organization, named Guardian Group, in 2010 and currently acts as CEO. The 53-year-old has been living in Bend for almost 20 years, a city with around 100,000 inhabitants.
by Joe Halko, and a sculpture of a man sitting on a bench called by Richard Beyer.
Hij neemt geen eer aan voor alle googly -ogen – alleen sommigen van hen – en zegt dat hij niet weet wie er nog meer is geïnspireerd door zijn eerste grap. After he learned that the Googly Eyes had potentialy caused damage, he used to the city’s officers to come clean.
He says he offered to cover the costs of removing the Googly eyes, but he tells the New York Times‘Simon J. Levien, he has never heard.
In the meantime, city officials sent a statement to the
by Richard Beyer. Guardian Group
This is not the first striking joke from Keith. Every three or four months, when he has finished his work for the day, he attracts a “former man mask” and goes up the city, reports the Washington Post
In The Past, he’s also attached leis and hula skirts to some of the city’s public sculptures. Hij verkleedde ook enkele figuren in pruiken en belbodems en voegde vervolgens een “discobal” toe – gemodificeerd uit een mylar ballon – aan het tafereel, volgens de Washington Post.
Keith also hung up a fake sign announcing that the fast food restaurant in-n-out Burger was coming to bend. That joke from 2019 also got newspapersWhere the company denounces the board like a hoax.
He drew a similar fake board joke that announced the opening of a Voodoo Donut, a popular donut chain in Portland, according to the . He says that he has also attached a cardboard recess of the late actor Chris Farley to a pole in a roundabout.
Time. “It’s about 10 cents a smile because I know how many people hit our roundabout. It’s Worth It. “
In december verschenen de Googly Eyes op acht sculpturen in Bend’s Roundabout Art Route, een pad met 27 kunstinstallaties in het midden van verkeerscirkels. At the time, the city authorities told the Time‘Emmett Lindner that they’d spent $ 1,500 removing the Googly Eyes. However, they said that they did not conduct an investigation or were looking for the responsible people.
“While the Googly eyes on the various works of art in the city may give you a smile, it costs money to remove them with the care not to damage the art,” wrote city officials in one .
The Googly Eyes even received a mention about “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”
“Authorities are upset after someone has seen Googly eyes on different sculptures in the city,” said Colbert. ‘Oh, come on, you get angry with that? It’s fun. “
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