2 migrants accused of horrible murder of the 63-year-old man who was bound with wire and duct tape

2 migrants accused of horrible murder of the 63-year-old man who was bound with wire and duct tape
Geeiderwuin Bello Morales, Links, and Jefferson Ubila Delgado (Chicago Police Department)

Chicago-two men, both migrants crossing the border of Texas in 2023, are accused of the horrible murder of a 63-year-old man in his bedroom in Norwood Park, said civil servants.

Geeiderwuin Bello Morales, 21, and Jefferson Ubilla-Velgado, 29, appear on Saturday before detention sessions. At that time, public prosecutors will reveal the Bot-Chilling details of what researchers believe that the men have visited George Levin in the 7600 block of West Talcott on Sunday evening. They are both accused of murder while committing a forced crime and theft of a victim older than 60.

Levin’s sister found him bound with duct tape and electric wire in the bedroom of the basement of the house that they shared around 10:45 am on Sunday. She called 911, but her brother was already dead. The medical researcher has established that he died of several injuries in an attack.

Morales comes from Venezuela, Ubilla Delgado comes from Ecuador and Morales wore a federal immigration electronic monitoring bracelet, according to a source. They lived in the same apartment in the 6100 block of North Northwest Highway. Earlier this week, ald. Brian Hopkins (2nd) described Morales and Ubilla Delgado as ‘immigrants without papers’.

Morales was arrested around 3.10 pm on January 12 after two girls between the ages of 13 and 12 reported that he was trying to lure them in a car in the 6200 block of North Sayre, just around the corner of where the men lived. A source of law enforcement said that Ubilla Delgado was in the vehicle with Morales at the time of the alleged locks, but he was not arrested, according to CPD records.

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The Morales arrest report at the luring incident states that a detective in the case “on crime charges” worked, but he was ultimately only accused of one count of crime attack after the detective “consulted” [a prosecutor] and supervisor for guidance. “He was released from the Jefferson Park (16th) district police station about nine hours after he was arrested.

A spokesperson for CPD refused to comment on the charges of January 12. The Cook County State law firm did not respond to an investigation about the case.

CWBCHICAGO will post a full update after the men appear in court on Saturday.

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