Man shot full stranger who did not belong in a gang, claim prosecutors claim

Man shot full stranger who did not belong in a gang, claim prosecutors claim
Miguel Arredondo and the Clark Station at 7050 South Damen. (Chicago Police Department, Google)

Chicago – prosecutors have accused a man of attempted murder and said that he had shot a complete stranger outside of a gas station in West Englewood after the man claimed that he had no gang connection.

Miguel Arredondo, 19, is accused of attempted murder of the first degree and worsened battery by discharging a firearm in connection with the shooting on 15 November at the Clark Station, 7050 South Damen.

Prosecutors said that four different police officers in Chicago who have been in contact with Arredondo in the past, recognized him from surveillance images of the incident.

During a recent performance by the court, the prosecutors said that the 20-year-old victim met Arredondo after he went to the gas station to buy snacks. Arredondo approached the man who lives on the north side, and asked what gang he belonged to, said officials.

The victim claimed that he was not a gang and an argument followed. Arredondo is said to wait for the victim when he stepped out and escalated the situation.

The prosecutors said that during the second meeting Arredondo got a gun and shot the man five times: in the leg, hip and groin. The shots broke the thigh of the victim and he has undergone several operations to repair the damage.

Judge David Kelly held up Arredondo as a risk of public safety and said that Arredondo had twice been judged delinquent for weapons violations as a youth. The judge said that Arredondo received a probationary period both times and none of the sentences successfully completed.

See also  Man shot in Rogers Park at night

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CWBCHICAGO was founded in 2013 by five residents of Wigleyville and Boystown who had been discouraged with inaccurate information that was provided during meetings of the local community policing (CAPS). Our coverage area has since been expanded to cover Lincoln Park, River North, De Loop, Uptown and other North Side areas. But our mission remains unchanged: to provide original reporting of public safety with a better context and more detail than regular media. Our editorial e -mail address is

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