A gang leader of Suffolk County Bloods was fored on the accusation of selling drugs in which the mother of a young child was killed and “caused serious physical injury” to three others, .

Gary Johnson, 41, who was originally arrested in 2020 on individual charges for weapons and drugs, appeared on a new indictment on Tuesday in Islip Court for alleged sale of cocaine and fentanyl to the nameless 39-year-old Rocky Point-Vrouw that year.

The mother of a three -year -old, identified by FBI as “Jane Doe #2”, was found dead of acute mixed drug -colored intoxication in her house after taking the medicines on 1 May of that year.

Another man who gave the same drugs, “John Doe #2”, was revived with Narcan after colleagues found him unconscious in Sint-James at the time.

An extra two overdose of victims that Johnson drugs sold to faint and had to be revived in March of that year by emergency services with CPR and Narcan in Yaphank.

Johnson, who said prosecutors, went through the alias “G-money” and led the g-shine set of the gang, spread heroin alongside Fentanyl and cocaine throughout Long Island from 2013 until his arrest in November 2020, according to to officials.

“For years, Gary Johnson knew that the poison he sold had fatal consequences, but his only care was to make money,” said Suffolk police officer Kevin Catalina.

Johnson, formally accused of spreading fentanyl and cocaine in a 26-count replacement indictment, is also confronted with narcotic drugs, rifle and destruction of evidence.

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