Man robbed mail worker and UPS driver in the search for new phones, say public prosecutors

Man robbed mail worker and UPS driver in the search for new phones, say public prosecutors
David Atwater (Cook County Sheriff’s Office, his))

Chicago – a man who is responsible for robbing a postal forces in the American postal service, also robbed a UPS deliverer before the police caught up with him last year, according to a newly submitted criminal complaint.

We reported for the first time about David Atwater when prosecutors accused him of robbing a female mail worker in the 11500 block of Zuid -Mei. Officials said that on October 4 he entered the woman’s mail car with one hand in his pocket and said: ‘This is a robbery. Do not move. Where are the phones? You move, I shoot. “

He took three packages from the truck and fled on a scooter, said officials. The post carrier recognized him because he lives on her route. She even found him on Facebook and saw a photo of him who was wearing the same mint green jersey that he was wearing during the robbery, claimed public prosecutors.

Atwater has been in prison since 27 November on those charges.

Now public prosecutors say that Atwater is also the man who robbed an UPS deliverer on November 23. Around 3:30 that afternoon the courier ran to a house in the 11500 block of South Elizabeth when a man put in an SUV and confronted him.

“I’m going to shoot you,” the man threatened, held his hand in his hoodie polish as if he had a gun. “Just walk to the back of the truck.”

The thief demanded telephones, but the 51-year-old victim said he did not know which boxes of telephones contain.

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“Say nothing. I will kill you here, “would have reportedly warned atwater. “Give me the phones now.”

The driver eventually gave Atwater a few random boxes so that he would disappear, said a CPD report. Just like the mail worker, the UPS director also recognized Atwater, according to public prosecutors.

A CPD report said that the UPS driver had a security officer who worked with him that day, but left the guard ‘temporarily’, giving the thief the chance to strike.

Judge Ankur Srivastava ordered atwater to retain on the new charges.

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