Since the 19th century, Lift posts have formed a history that is anchored in the usefulness and community. Spread over cities and outside common areas, the solid objects offered a safe point to bind horses, especially during social events or meetings. San Francisco artist Windy chien reinterprets this functional object in its current Lifting post series.
There are mutually dependent forms in particular fascinating for Chien. “If the object around which the towbar is connected, would be removed, the towbar collapses and loses its integrity,” she says. Just as the presence of the knot on a different element depends on staying intact, social spaces and meetings trust collective presence.

Since 2019, Chien has received committees for the projects and creates unique pieces for a wide range of common areas, such as airports, offices, houses and ranches. Cutting wooden supports into different lengths and mounting cable by packing and buttons, the flowing and geometric compositions extend over walls and exterior facades.
Combining motifs of her Print plate Series With other techniques, Chien recently completed a large installation in a stairwell in Los Angeles, consisting of four works, each of which is 20 feet wide in a gradient of six shades. In April the artist is looking forward to the Ruth Asawa retrospective in San Francisco Moma, where she will show various works in addition to the exhibition. Find more about her website And Instagram.

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