A Denver driver was arrested last weekend as officers shifted gears, focusing on locating and breaking up illegal street racing, police said.
“Street racing is not only dangerous for the involved drivers but also creates the potential to harm or kill others who are not involved,” the Denver Police Department said in a Friday news release. “Potential penalties the driver faces are jail time and court costs, along with the potential to have their vehicle seized.”
Denver officers received a tip that a group of street racers was meeting outside of Denver and planning to race north toward the city on Interstate 25, police said in the release.
Officers spotted the group around 12:45 a.m. Sunday and chased two street racers speeding down I-25 near the Lincoln/Broadway exit, police said. One of the cars fled, but officers stopped a second driver on the northbound interstate near East Colfax Avenue.
The driver, an unidentified woman, was cited with engaging in a speed contest, driving without a valid driver’s license and driving without insurance, police said. Her car was also impounded per Denver’s public nuisance ordinance.
People can report street racers or planned street racing events at reportstreetracing.com or by calling 720-913-2000, police said.
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