The Graph, a decentralized indexing system that acts as a Google for blockchains, has unveiled a data standard for Web3. The standard is called GRC-20 and defines how information is structured, distributed and linked between decentralized applications, The Graph website said in a blog post accompanying a proposal from the developer. Yaniv TAL to improve the graph.
The GRC-20 proposal builds on the concept of knowledge graphs, which Tal introduced in June. “Knowledge is created when information is linked and labeled to achieve a higher level of understanding,” the blog explains, with knowledge graphs capturing the connections and relationships between pieces of information. The GRC-20 standard will replace the Resource Description Framework (RDF), the current framework for representing data for the World Wide Web Consortium.
RDF is not suitable for Web3 for a number of technical reasons. According to The Graph blog, GRC-20 creates a common language for knowledge so we can fully realize the vision of an open, verifiable, and composable Web3. The Graph will be releasing a series of tools in the coming weeks to help people use the GRC-20 standard. Tal’s proposal to improve The Graph is open for comment indefinitely before finalization.
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