Chicago-a lakewijk-man who cut off his ankle monitor and disappeared in 2023 awaiting the trial of accusations that he has sexually abused an 11-year-old girl is back in custody.
Jorge Mondragon-Bahena with a full beard, buzzing hair and glasses, looks very different from a mugshot, the office of the Cook Cooky Sheriff that was released earlier this year when the audience asked for help in tracing him.
On October 6, 2022, public prosecutors accused Mondragon-Bahena of predatory criminal sexual attack of a child in connection with an attack that reportedly took place in August 2015.
The prosecutors said he and the victim lived in the same house when he pulled her on a bed, removed her clothes and lowered his shorts. He continued to perform a sexual action for the girl, but stopped when the child’s mother returned rather than expected, according to the allegations. She found Mondragon-Bahena naked with her daughter, who wore no pants.
The woman immediately kicked Mondragon-Bahena, took her daughter to a hospital and submitted a report to the Chicago police. Allegedly, Mondragon-Bahena has repeatedly contacted the child’s mother to apologize and to ask for forgiveness.
The prosecutors said that DNA tests found male saliva about the girl’s underwear, and the material was broadcast for further testing.
Officials said that the prosecution of the 2015 case got stuck because they did not know where Mondragon-Bahena had been for several years. The police finally arrested him in October 2022 after he heard that he was working as a cook in a restaurant in Wigleyville.
Justice officers did not ask Judge Susana Ortiz to hold Mondragon-Bahena without a bail during his first appearance of the court, a necessary first step under the old bail system. So Ortiz ordered him to pay a bail of $ 10,000 and to go electronic monitoring.
About six months later he slipped away from his house in the 3500 block of North Soutport, cut off his ankle monitor and roamed free until the long arm of the law overtaken him again on Friday.
The Sheriff office said that his researchers heard that Mondragon-Bahena worked under various Aliass in Restaurants in Chicago. Last week an American Marshals task force arrested him in the 4500 block of South Talman, where he had lived.
Mondragon-Bahena, 48, is now confronted with a crime Escape Charge next to the hanging accusations of sexual violence.
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