Armed men followed the victim at home of the Chicago courthouse, shot at least 70 shots to kill him, Feds say

Armed men followed the victim at home of the Chicago courthouse, shot at least 70 shots to kill him, Feds say
Marquez Robinson (left) and Eric Vaughn are seen with images that are said to show Robinson on the day he participated in the murder. (Chicago Police Department, US District Court Records, Gun Violence Memorial)

Chicago – Less than a month ago we introduced you to Robinson in Marquez Robinson after being a judicial authority to be part of a productive burglary team that used chains to tear the doors of targeted companies or gain access by ramming the stores with stolen vehicles. It turned out that much bigger problems were about to come Robinson.

Federal officials said this week that he was one of the three shooters who killed a man after they followed him at home from the Leighton Criminal Courthouse on 26th and California on January 31.

The victim of murder is Eric Vaughn, a 28-year-old who was on electronic monitoring for a machine gun. He went to the courthouse that morning for a routine status hearing, according to the court reports.

Without the knowledge of him, federal officials say that Robinson and his henchmen were the courthouse and the prison complex in two cars, waiting for him to come out. Robinson’s phone, who already kept an eye on the Chicago police as part of the burglary investigation, ping less than a mile of the courthouse, said an FBI agent in a federal complaint.

After the court, when Vaughn came home in the 8300 block of South Morgan, Morgan and two non -ignored men from a silver Nissan Maxima jumped to kill him. A witness recorded part of the shooting on video and showed three armed men near Vaughn’s body on the sidewalk, according to the agent. She said that one of Robinson’s accomplices Vaughn shot twice with a mini-AK47 fire weapon, even after Vaughn had fallen immobile to the sidewalk.

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The Chicago police recovered 52 Shell -Omhulsels from the scene. The next day, Vaughn’s neighbor contacted the police to hand in another 18 casing they found in some bushes.

The agent has covered her bets a bit and wrote that she could not definitively say that Robinson fired one of those 70 shots, but “I also know that it is unlikely that a participant would be outside the safety of a vehicle without a firearm during such a shooting.”

About 30 minutes after the shooting, the stolen Nissan Maxima of the murderers were found on fire in Dixmoor in the suburbs, the agent said.

When Chicago Cops arrested Robinson for the burglary store, they also carried out a house search order at his home. Allegedly they have found a gray sweatsuit with hood with black striping that corresponds to a shooter that is worn by the shooter believes that Robinson is. The FBI agent quoted a variety of videos, histories in the telephone location and data from the license plate reader to support her allegations.

Technically, Robinson is not accused of the murder of Vaughn in the State or the Federal Court. The FBI accuses him of a criminal in the possession of ammunition.

“Uit de geluiden van geweervuur ​​​​die op de video zijn vastgelegd, in vergelijking met de positie van de verdachten in de video tegelijkertijd en met de locatie van shell -omhulsels die door CPD ter plaatse zijn teruggevonden, is er een waarschijnlijke reden om te geloven dat Robinson, een veroordeelde misdadiger, een vuurwapen gebruikte tijdens de schietpartij en dus wetenschappelijk bezittende munitie,” het FBI -agent verklaarde.

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