Chicago – A judge of Cook County has rejected a request from public prosecutors to keep a woman in Florida in prison pending the charges of animal abuse. Anita Damodaran, 38, was put out of her apartment in Lakeview when employees who were hired by her landlord, a malnourished dog, discovered Betty, said civil servants.
During Damodaran’s first performance, prosecutors said the workers had been told to stay away from three plastic bins on the veranda. But one of the women saw a nose sticking out of a trash can and thought it had been a hug. It was Betty.
“Two women discovered her, barely alive in a plastic container where crates stacked on top,” said Hinsdale Human Society. “Fully matted, extremely underweight and afraid of even moving, Betty stared at the women who pulled her out of the container. She survived wonderfully upstairs because of a small hole in the lid that lived in oxygen. ‘
Betty was also malnourished and covered with dirt. The workers took her to a vet for treatment. According to a Court Advocate report from the Garrido Stray Rescue Foundation, she only weighed 19 pounds, less than half of her healthy weight.
“She had compression stocks, extensive mats and was estimated to be starved for at least one month,” said the foundation’s report.
On Thursday, 22 supporters showed up for Damodaran’s second court performance, said Garrido Stray Rescue Foundation.
“Moments for the conference noticed one of our leaders of the court, Michele, Op, Michele, noticed [Damodaran] Take photos of our group, “the foundation reported on Facebook. “We immediately informed the sheriff, and [Damodaran] was removed from the courtroom. On her phone they discovered 12 photos of our proponents of the court. The judge was informed and quickly gained the lawyer, who dragged his client to the hall and screamed against her. ‘
Ultimately, Judge Shelley Sutkur-Dermer denied the state’s request to keep Damodaran in custody pending the trial. But the judge ordered her to stay in the state and ordered her to stay in the house at night.
“Betty has been resilient and is a survivor. Betty deserves better, and from now on she will be treated as if she should have been her whole life – with love and compassion, “said the Hinsdale Humane Society. The group collected $ 18,180 to cover Betty’s veterinary accounts and repair costs. ((Here is a linkBut it is advised that there are some disturbing photos of Betty’s condition.)
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