Ben Zank playfully twists the banal – colossal

a man in a gray suit seated in a red chair is obscured by weeds bursting through a window
a man in a gray suit, sitting in a red chair, is obscured from view by weeds bursting in through a window
“My brain took an extended vacation.” All images courtesy of Ben Zank, shared with permission

When words can’t quite sum up a feeling, Ben Zank (rather) tends towards a bizarre visual language. The New York-based photographer creates strange situations in which subjects are enveloped by topiaries and shrubs or buttoned up with structural supports.

Zank’s images, captured in unobservable locations, turn the banal into the surreal, while his witty titles – ‘Failed Columnist’ and ‘Cloudy with a Chance of Despair’ – reinforce his penchant for humor.

Earlier this year Zank published a monograph entitled Nothing to see hereavailable at Aliens in Residence. You can find more of his work at Instagram.

“Hot local landscapers near you”
a man in a suit has buttoned his jacket around a yellow pole
“Failed Columnist”
a man in a green suit smokes while sitting with his head in a bush
‘Fear needs a holiday’
a man in a green suit has buttoned his jacket around a white pole
“Half a man”
a man in a tan suit lies in puffy white padding to hide his face
“Cloudy with a chance of despair”

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