Cougar Cubs Spotted in Michigan for the first time in more than a century

Cougar Cubs Spotted in Michigan for the first time in more than a century

Cougar Cubs have not been documented in Michigan for more than 100 years, but state biologists may have officially ended the dry spell recent photos. On March 13, Michigan Department of Natural Resources A trio of images released who show a few small cougars that roam a snowy part of the upper peninsula in Dtonagon County.

Although the big cats are native to Michigan, people from the beginning of the early 1900s chased them. While the Ministry of Natural Resources has been verified 132 observations of adult cougars since 2008, they were all supposed to be temporary men from Western states. In the meantime, the local population has not returned and stay on the endangered mammal list of Michigan.

The two people who saw them for the first time initially believed that they were Bobcats. Credit: Michigan Department of Natural Resources

On March 6, a few motorists who ride on the western upper peninsula saw, which they initially thought were kittens from another wild cat species.

“He thought they were Bobcat Kittens, so he took some pictures of them, and someone else really stopped, and they both spoke about them, such as:” Oh, neat kittens, “” Brian Roell, a natural biologist and the great carnivore specialist from Michigan, recently told local news.

But state biologists believed that the small animals did not match Bobcat Cubs after they had been tipped to the photos. Furthermore, consultation with out-of-state nature experts led them to ensure that the kittens were actually 7-8 weeks old cougars. Given their young age, they also concluded that their mother gave them up somewhere in the state. Although the drivers did not see her at that time, it is quite possible that she was somewhere nearby, because Cougars stay with their mother until they are about two years old. That said, it is also possible that they were unfortunately already alone.

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Cougar kitten squat in the snow
The kittens were estimated at 7-8 weeks old. Credit: Michigan Department of Natural Resources

“Those young cougars are currently very vulnerable. We don’t know where they are or that they even live. Mother Nature can be very cruel, “Rool explained in a separate explanation The Detroit -Nieuws.

Anyway, seeing the Cubs is good news, because it represents the first well -known modern cougar births in the western states of Great Lake.

“It is something that needs to be celebrated, that we have the habitat to support such an elusive animal,” said Roell.

In any case, representatives of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources took the opportunity to remind the audience that if they see more cougars, to leave them alone. It is illegal to bother them or to hunt, or even try to find their homes. As such, Roell and his colleague nature biologists no longer issue specific details about where the two Cougar Cubs were last seen. But with a bit of luck, the photos are perhaps the first of many who return Cougars to the area.

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Andrew Paul is Popular Science’s Staff Writer about technical news.

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