Ethereum Leads Blockchain Development Despite Decline in Activity

Developer interactions on Ethereum retain the highest level compared to other blockchain platforms that demonstrate 168.3K registered developer activity. Ethereum maintains its position as the market leader, even after the interactions of the developer fell by 6.08%. The network experienced 1.8K new developers who participated in its activities, which resulted in a growth of 1.86% of the involvement of new developers.

The developer activity on the BNB chain showed a decrease of 3.29% that recorded 76.4K interactions. New contributing additions reached 897, which corresponds to a modest increase of 0.1116%. The developer activity on Polygon affects 74K interactions, which leads to a decrease of 5.93%, but shows a growth of 1.16% due to the addition of 698 new developers.

Low 2 solutions and alternative block chains

Low 2 Solutions Arbitrum and Optimism have experienced a significant increase in their activity levels. The activity of the developer on Arbitrum decreased by 4.59% to reach 62.6k interactions, while the number of developers with 561 new developers increased with 561 new developers. The development interactions for optimism fell by 12.99% and produced 57.3K total activities. The platform experienced an increase of 0.6012% of the developer figures by gaining 502 new contributors.

Avalanche maintained a strong status under powerful blockchain platforms via its 51.2k developer interactions that only decreased 0.1013% in the past month. The 423 new additions from developers showed a growth of 0.7143% of platform contributions.

Remarkable growth and decreases in emerging block chains

Harmony represented the only platform in the top ten block chains to experience an increase in total activity with 45.8k interactions with 4.08% growth. The platform increased its new developer pool by 4.67% by the addition of 381 contributors. Solana registered 43.1K interactions despite a decrease of 3.53%, while the new developer activity grew by 0.7229% and attracted 418 contributors.

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During the time period, Cosmos experienced 41.5K interactions that fell by 11.13%, but achieved 440 new developers for an increase of 2.8% in the number of developers. Gnosis took the tenth position under block chains with 36k interactions that demonstrated a decrease of 5.05% during the month. Under all assessed blockchain networks, COSMO registered a decrease in the developer’s participation and lost 2.2% of the new contributions.

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