Future connections can be armed with nanoflowers

Future connections can be armed with nanoflowers

Flowers can be small, but their petals often amount to a relatively massive amount of surface. The same can be said, even on a microscopic level of a “nanofloer“Compiled combinations in chemistry that grow into plant -like forms. With this in mind, a research team has established a new nanostructure at the Italian University of Genoa that depends on pineapplelowers who contain sufficient surface area to organize countless wound -healing medicine molecules.

The medical innovation is detailed in a study published in the magazine ACS applied Bio -Materials. According to his makers, the dressing prototype uses two polyphenol -based materials and headperphosphate and tannic acid. These reagents have well -documented anti -inflammatory and antibiotic properties. Once mixed and placed in a saline solution, the copper phosphate tannic acid compounds begin to assemble themselves and grow into recognizable, floral structures. From there, researchers then carefully confirmed these nanoflowers on small strips of Electrospun Nanofabric.

“Polyphenols, natural connections that are abundantly present in phenolic structures, have received widespread attention because of their antioxidant, anti -inflammatory, antibacterial and anti -anchor, making them valuable to biomedical applications,” the team wrote in their research. “However, the green synthesis of polyphenol -based materials with economic and environmentally friendly strategies is of great importance.”

With the dressings ready to test, the team introduced these Nanoflower connection samples in harmful bacterial cultures, including E. ColiPseudomonas aeruginosaAnd Staphylococcus aureus. By one corresponding On January 31 ” ‘With Nanoflower, substances’ inactivated’ not only the bacteria, but only did this through the addition of antibiotic-resistant Biofilms all at all while the lab-grown human cells protected.

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Researchers say that their new approach -based approach seems to be both cost -effective and extremely efficient, making better resources possible to accelerate wound healing and combat infections. The possible benefits of nanoflowers are also not limited to medicines. Another study, published in October 2024 in Advanced materialsPoints for use about real -time imaging, waste water treatment and even microrobotics.

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