Gary Wagner’s photographs illuminate rugged Icelandic fjords and coastlines – colossal

a black-and-white photograph of an Iceland landscape

Only works in black and white, Gary WagnerThe striking photographs reduce dramatic landscapes to their essential shapes, lines and hues. Based in Northern California, he captures coastlines, forests and mountains using digital cameras.

In his series Icelandic forces of nature, Wagner explores the island’s rugged fjords, waterfalls and black sand beaches. Sunlight illuminating dense clouds is in stark contrast to distant hills or deep water.

a black and white photo of a waterfall in Iceland
“Dream falls”

Wagner has been making photographs for more than four decades. “Artistically I try to show my vision of land, sea and light, while paying respect to the natural order and beauty of the earth,” says the artist.

In addition to teaching at the university level, Wagner has published several books on digital photography techniques and body of work, including this series and explorations of the Pacific Northwest and Yosemite and Death Valley National Parks.

Find books and prints by the artist website And Instagram.

a black and white photo of a waterfall in Iceland
“Illuminated Heaven”
a black and white photo of a rugged landscape in Iceland
“Divided Earth”
a black and white photo of the coastline with large chunks of ice on the beach in Iceland
“Beach diamonds”
a black and white photo of surf on a black beach in Iceland
“Beach stream”
a black and white photo of a waterfall in Iceland
a black and white photo of the coastline in Iceland
“Magic Light”
a black and white photo of a waterfall in Iceland
“Ribbon falls”
a black and white photo of a waterfall in Iceland
“Soft flow”

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