He will not resolve the reform of the bail and bring down the crime

He will not resolve the reform of the bail and bring down the crime

Andrew Cuomo as governor signed up with “reforms” that sent the crime, and now he gives New Yorkers honest warning: he still stands with them, because the no-bail law “a terribly wrong”.

Translation: If you want to see Perps locked up, don’t count on Cuomo.

“We brought people in Rikers, in prison, who were not guilty of anything, just because they could not make a bail,” Cuomo claimed Sunday.

Andrew Cuomo said that the no-bail law “had a terrible error”. Zumapress.com / Mega

Rich defendants could make a bail and be released, he argued, while others who could not remain locked up.

False: Judges have always taken into account the wealth of a person when determining bail; poorer defendants were confronted with lower amounts.

That was logical because bail is meant to ensure that a suspect pops up for the process when it is released, and a small bail amount will probably not prevent the rich fleeing.

Bail kept recidivists, career criminals and violent villains off the street until they could be tried, convicted and kept away from civil society.

Rich defendants could make a bail and be released, he argued, while others who could not remain locked up. Helayne Seidman

Nevertheless, Cuomo Bail Reform fully eliminated the requirement to place bail for most crimes; Only perps accused of the most gruesome atrocities must now come up with cash. All others receive an Uit-Jail-free card.

The result: criminals are back on the street before the police complete their arrest paper.

Set’em-Loose judges (such as those of the post that emphasized on Sunday) and public prosecutors who promise not to prosecute (looking at you, Manhattan da Alvin Bragg) made things worse.

And yes, the crime figures have risen: murders shot up 47% – from 319 in 2019 to 468 in 2020, when the reform began.

The NYPDs have made some profit since then, but they were 20% higher last year; The crimes generally rose by 30%; Crime, 18%.

In the meantime, stores (which are not closed) now locks routine merchandise – even toothpaste – for fear of theft.

It is no coincidence: Perps have received the messages that there would be no consequences for their crimes, and therefore to the city.

The disastrous impact of the reform was indeed so clear that even the state legislator dominated by the progressive state to be revised three time.

Yet it still remains broken.

Fine, as Cuomo notes, judges have in some cases regained a little discretion. But they cannot even take into account the ‘danger’ of a perp when setting bail.

And most crimes remain reasonably bail.

Other “reforms” Cuomo penetrated, such as increasing age, also the crime of fuel.

Cuomo’s answer is to hire 5,000 more agents.

That will help, but where will he find 5000 quality, willing new employees when every criminal is released for 10 minutes?

Cuomo’s answer is to hire 5,000 more agents. Stephen Yang

Cuomo is Flip-Floped on other banes that he embraced as a governor, such as congestie prizes.

Why not bail reform either? He thinks it will just be too difficult to get the legislative power Real Repair it, or is he trying to appease the left?

Whatever: for a man whose campaign is about how to know how to lead, it certainly looks terribly cowardly.

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