I’m a good-looking single mother – my strict dating rule may scare men away, but it eliminates the fraud

I'm a good-looking single mother – my strict dating rule may scare men away, but it eliminates the fraud

A MODEL has revealed she has strict rules to ensure men date her for the right reasons.

Megan Louise, 29, would like to settle down but is fed up with immature boys getting caught up in her online persona because she does OnlyFans.

Megan likes to take it slow in relationships.
Her rule causes her to seek out men who are not right for her

She has discovered that many guys only want one thing and assume she wants to join because of her job.

But the mum-of-two, from Edinburgh, refuses to take off her kit unless someone has shown they are serious about her.

She said: “I’ve been on dates with guys and what I often hear is guys saying that people think they’ve gone out with a prostitute.

“I think it’s because of my appearance.

“Even when I’m walking the dogs and I don’t have any make-up on, I’ve seen builders come off the site and chase me down the road asking if they can get my number and take me outside can take.

“I had poop bags in my pockets, but I think he recognized me because I was online.

“He caught me off guard and I said, okay, and then he said he was following me on Instagram.

“I realized he clearly thinks he’s dating OnlyFans Megan and not the real Megan who is a mother.”

Megan added: “I’m more aware of what I’m looking for in terms of qualities in a man.

“I have to make sure they’re not jealous because I’ve had guys who said they didn’t care and later they didn’t like me doing my job.

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“I’m quite old-fashioned. If a man wants to kiss me at the end of the night, that’s fine, but I would never give a kiss myself.

“I have a rule where I don’t sleep with them until I know they’re interested.

“I think if that’s what they’re thinking about, they’ll get bored after one or two dates.

‘I usually wait until we have six dates and I realize they are making an effort.

“For me that could mean waiting about five months as I don’t go out very often.”

The model thinks that men can get bored if they have to wait for intimacy.

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