Memorable MCLOVN6 license plate helped police track down highway shooter, officials say

Memorable MCLOVN6 license plate helped police track down highway shooter, officials say
Daniel Morales, inset, is seen wearing the iconic “McLovin” fake ID from the movie Superbad. (Illinois State Police, YouTube)

CHICAGO – A Chicago man is in jail, accused of shooting up another driver’s car on the Kennedy Expressway after his alleged victim gave police his easy-to-remember license plate number: MCLOVN6.

It’s been more than seven months since Illinois State Police went to Daniel Morales’ home and towed away his red BMW with the Super bad-inspired license plate attached. But only recently did prosecutors approve charges in the case.

According to an ISP report, the shooting occurred in the Kennedy’s outbound lanes near Irving Park on Feb. 9 at approximately 5:38 a.m. A 41-year-old man told investigators he stopped behind a red BMW SUV, license plate MCLOVN6, as it swerved in and out of the left lane at a speed of 22 miles per hour.

He flashed his lights at the driver of the BMW and, like a real one gangstaaaaahe moved to another lane and attempted to pass. As he did so, he noticed the driver of the BMW pointing a silver handgun at him and heard a shot, the police report said.

The man called 911 and drove to the Jefferson Park (16th) District station to speak with Chicago police. They called in state troopers, who found a bullet hole in the man’s passenger door.

According to the report, the driver was unable to describe the man who shot him because he ducked when he saw the gun. But he remembered that license plate.

Troopers ran the license plate number through a database and went to the Northwest Side home of the registered owner – Daniel Morales. According to the report, they found a red BMW outside his home and saw a gun stuck between the passenger seat and the center console. After seizing the BMW and obtaining a search warrant, they also allegedly found a second gun in the car.

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Police arrested Morales, who had a concealed carry permit, that day but later released him pending further investigation, the report said. Troopers responded to revoke Morales’ gun permits the same day.

Prosecutors said a test for gunshot residue on Morales’ hands came back positive. Laboratory tests also linked a bullet from the victim’s car to one of Morales’ guns, according to an arrest warrant filed by Judge Caroline Glennon-Goodman.

Morales is charged with aggravated discharge of a firearm.

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