The man accused of stealing a $3,000 gold-plated rose from a church’s September 11 memorial laughed during his arraignment Saturday evening as prosecutors listed a series of crimes he allegedly committed in the past month .
Deikel Alcantara, 21, was admonished by Judge Simiyon Haniff for his egregious behavior of fidgeting, smiling and laughing when the court learned of his callous actions.
“I don’t know if you find this funny, but they are about to ask for bail,” the judge said as the prosecutor detailed Alcantara’s alleged crimes.
Authorities say Alcantara was seen entering St. Francis of Assis Church on West 31st Street by a security guard who says the suspect was heading toward the golden rose that was the centerpiece of the September 11 memorial.
The guard says he warned Alcantara not to touch the monument and then continued his rounds — when Alcantara plucked the gilded rose and ran, prosecutors said.
That rose has still not been found.
Authorities say Alcantara committed a one-man crime last month.
Police say he attacked a senior citizen with a metal pipe on October 24. He faces assault charges for that incident that left the victim with an injured arm.
Punk also has another crime for which no details are available.
As the assistant district attorney told the court about his alleged heinous actions, Alcantara continued to laugh and smile.
“The record shows that this defendant was smiling the entire time,” Judge Haniff said. “This is a big joke for him, that’s what it is. This is a big joke for you, right?
Alcantara was reported to the police by his father on Friday evening.
He was ordered held on $75,000 bail.
He is charged with grand larceny for stealing the rose.
Alcantara must appear in court again on Tuesday.
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