NYC -Misdaadplunges in January compared to 2024: NYPD Report

NYC -Misdaadplunges in January compared to 2024: NYPD Report

Great crimes, including murder, attacks and robberies, the city fell in the first month of the year, according to the NYPD.

The total crime for the seven main categories fell by 16.8% compared to January 2024 last month.

Mayor Eric Adams is planned to deliver the positive news during his witness statement for the state legislator in Albany on Tuesday.

Mayor Adams and NYPD commissioner Jessica Tisch today held a press conference to discuss the crime statistics (graphed) for the total year in 2024. Gregory P. Mango

The NYPD statistics show that:

  • Murders fell by 24% from 33 in January 2024 to January 25.
  • Robberies dropped 26%, from 1,436 to 1,063.
  • Crime attacks fell by 6.9% from 2,130 to 1,983.
  • The burglary fell by 3.7% from 1,100 to 1,059.
  • Grand Larceny fell by 21.7% from 4,161 to 3,256.
  • Grand Larceny – Auto fell 23.1% from 1,167 to 898.

Meanwhile, reported rapes have covered the trend – an alarming 40% from 106 in January 2024 to 149 jumping in the past month.

City officials claimed that the increase is a deviation, due to a new state law that came into force last September.

The law broadens the classification of rape to take forced oral sex and anal sex, as well as vaginal penetration.

Transit -crimes also fell 36.4% from 231 in 2024 to 147 last month and large incidents in the developments of social housing fell by 14.5% from 497 to 425, according to the NYPD data.

Mayor Adams and NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch today held a press conference to discuss the crime statistics for the total year in 2024. Gregory P. Mango
Police on site where a person was shot at Sevth Avenue in West 129th Street in New York around 20:15 January 2025. Christopher Sadowski

A month earlier, a particularly horrible transit crime rattled the city when an illegal immigrant was said to have set a 57-year-old homeless woman, Debrina Kawam, on fire on a metro train in Brooklyn Die burned her alive.

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Adams, who is dealing with re -election this year while combating a criminal corruption process and through -passive classifications, trumpeted the reduction in crime.

“Public security is the condition for prosperity, and the latest crime statistics for January prove that our extensive approach to combating crime and improving the quality of life is not only works – it drives real, measurable progress,” Adams told The Post .

A Schietscène in Richmond and Fulton Streets in Brooklyn, where a taxi driver was shot in the leg during a possible carjacking or a suspect who photographed someone else. Gnmiller/nypost

“We see double figures falling in both total crime above the ground and transit crime under the ground with shooting incidents in January the lowest number are registered for the month of January in more than 30 years-and we remain in it to ensure that new Yorkers are not only safe, but you also feel safe. “

He noted that the NYPD has deployed 1,200 more agents in the metro system, plus 300 extra officers to patrolled specific metro trains at night in a joint program announced by GOV. Kathy Hochul.

‘I want to thank the Commissioner [Jessica] Tisch and the incredible men and women of the NYPD to make our streets safer every day. While others argue for the chief of the police, we have defended them, and this is just one of the countless examples of why New Yorkers want more police, no less, “Adams said.

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