Relax, whiskers. Scotland does not forbid cats

Relax, whiskers. Scotland does not forbid cats

Cat lovers in Scotland can breathe a collective sigh of relief. The Scottish government will not prohibit kilos in the country house of one Estimated 840,000 Pets Cats. Prime Minister John Swinney issued a statement after A Report issued on January 27 by the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission Said cats were a threat to the animals in the country. The Commission proposed measures to reduce their damage-including-inclusive restrictions on ownership by some interpreted as a complete out-ban for cats and rumors Spread online quickly.

“A report is produced by an external organization, which came to the government for consideration,” Said Swinney via radio. “Let me just clean this up today. The government is not going to forbid cats or limit cats. We do not intend to do this and we will not do it. ‘

Outdoor cats can be destructive to the environment by killing native bird species and smaller mammals such as squirrels and mice and can be considered an invasive species. They can also spread diseases, including rabies and parasitic infections. Cats are the primary hosts of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Most get infected by accident Parasite through contact with cat droppings. The majority of people who get infected with Toxoplasma gondii Experience no symptoms, but serious infection can cause damage to the brain, eyes and other organs.

In 2022Poland officially mentioned domestic cats as an ‘invasive exotic species’, because of their environmental effects. It is thought that cats have caused the most destruction Australia then any other continent, where they are estimated 27 Indigenous animals to extinction Since the colonization started in 1788.

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Some countries, including ItalyAustriaAnd Japan Have laws on the books that protect cats, especially wild cat colonies. The United States are the home of an estimated 76.5 million catsWith different households that possess more than one. Rules regarding the ownership of pets, vaccination and castration/casting vary per state, with Rhode Island is the only state that requires cat licenses.

In their report, the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission said annually Dead at least 27 million birds and other animals In the United Kingdom. It advised that the government considers to keep domestic cats on belts or indoors as a way to protect endangered species, including Scottish Wildcats. Some of the different “Cat Containment” Meet were mentioned as “restrictions for introducing cats to households in vulnerable areas.”

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Cat protectionThe largest cat organization in the United Kingdom responded to the inclusion measures that emphasize simple solutions, such as keeping cats at sunrise and twilight to balance the needs of both wild animals and domestic cats.

“Scotland is a nation of cat lovers”, Alice Palombo, Cats Protection’s Advocacy and Government Relations Officer for Scotland, told the Associated Press. “Cats are great pets for all sorts of reasons, whether it’s company for the elderly or people who live alone, comfort for people with health status or children help to learn important lessons in the care of others,” she said. “We believe that anyone who can take care of a cat must be able to enjoy these benefits.”

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According to the College of Natural Sciences at the University of Massachusetts AmherstCAT owners can reduce the consequences that an outdoor cat can have on the environment by training their kilos to walk on a belt. They also suggest a closed “catio” that is placed remotely with many toys and structures to practice the cats, play, stimulation, fresh air and sun.

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