The mysterious realms of Masakatsu Sashie float above post-apocalyptic landscapes – colossal

a science fiction-inspired painting of a giant orb covered in architectural elements and signs, hovering over a darkened, detritus-covered landscape

Surrounding eerie orbs, architectural elements and neon signs float above urban landscapes and fields of trash Masakatsu Sashie‘s oil paintings. His fantastical, post-apocalyptic scenes depict the Earth “as a representation of the universe,” the artist tells Colossal.

Sashie adds: “This gave me the idea to express the sphere symbolically. My inspiration came from designs with circles symbolically composed within rectangles, such as the Japanese national flag, Hanafuda Cardsand mandalas.”

“Pantasma (night)”

Sashie starts by collecting images related to a theme, such as signage, outdated buildings or retro motifs. He works with his own photos, in addition to images he finds online. He compares the composition to a two-dimensional assemblage and then merges all the shapes into floating spheres, depicted in oil on canvas.

Without people, Sashie’s landscapes interrogate the nature of mass consumption, waste and aging infrastructure. Like some of science fiction’s most iconic spaceships, think of the Death Star Star Wars– the illuminated orbs appear to run on unexplained energy sources, leaving their inner workings or possible inhabitants a total mystery.

If you’re planning to be in Melbourne in May, an exhibition of Sashie’s work is planned Outré Galleryfollowed by another show in July at I GALLERY in Osaka. In the meantime, delve deeper into the artist’s imaginary worlds Instagram.

“Pantasma (day)”

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