Chicago – a Jefferson Park woman who was accused of random attacking victims with a baseball bat and trying to run one of them with her car was not found guilty on Wednesday due to insanity. Denise Solorzano, 28, remains on electronic monitoring. She will be back in court next month, while civil servants work to determine which treatment, if applicable, it must be in the future.
One afternoon in May 2023, Solorzano stopped next to a 33-year-old woman in the 4200-block of North Richmond and began to shout about “hit her ass”, prosecutors claimed.
Allegedly, Solorzano stepped out of the car and hit the woman in the head and face several times until the woman fell to the floor. She grabbed the woman with her hair and dragged her down the street, but when a witness came in, the prosecutors said. The victim suffered swelling, bruises and cuts.
Solorzano then approached a 19-year-old woman in the 4000 block of West Lawrence about an hour later.
“What would you do if I hit you in the face?” Allegedly she asked the woman before she grabbed her at the hair, hit her three times in the head and the face and pushed her to the floor.
Solorzano stood over the woman and hit her a few more times until a witness tried to stop, according to prosecutors. Allegedly, Solorzano pulled the witness with her hair and tore a lump while she fell to the floor. Officials said the woman covered her face when Solorzano tried to hit her in the face and hit her head against the sidewalk.
The police officers of Chicago arrived when the attack was underway. They briefly chased the Solorzano car, but ended their efforts after she had made a stopboard.
The attacks were resumed the next day, but this time armed Solorzano with a baseball bat.
“What would you do if I would beat you with this bat?” Allegedly Solorzano asked a woman who stood with her sister and a 6-month-old baby in a pram on the 4500-block of North Mozart around 11:27 am
She got out of the car and attacked both women, hit them in their hands and arms while they tried to protect themselves, according to public prosecutors. A neighbor recorded part of the attack on video. Those victims, 27 and 31 years old, experienced bruises and swelling.
While the police spoke with the victims, a 34-year-old woman reported that a white sedan hit her while she crossed the street with her dog near the 3000 block of West Cullom. A short time later she passed Solorzano, who stood on the sidewalk with a bat.
“What would happen if I bashed you with this bushed bash?” Allegedly Solorzano asked. She hit the woman on the back, shoulder and arms while she tried to pass her. Solorzano fled in her car when a witness approached.
The police soon heard of a different attack in the 3000 block of West Belle Plaine.
A woman claimed that a white car almost hit her when she crossed a cross before the driver hit her about four times and returned to her, which had to stand out. Civil servants said Solorzano screamed about the ethnicity of the woman while the victim ran to another woman who ran a dog nearby.
Solorzano pulled her car into a nearby rose and threatened the women with her bat, hit one on the arm and head, according to the allegations. Both women ran away, but noticed a pink bumper sticker in the form of a crown on the back of the Solorzano car.
The Chicago police later followed the license plate of the car to the parents of Solorzano and found it parked in front of the family of the family on the 4900 block of West Lawrence with a pink, crown -shaped bumper sticker. Her parents told the authorities that the car belonged to Solorzano according to public prosecutors.
Officers arrested Solorzano. When a family member brought the car to the police, the bumper sticker was missing, prosecutors claimed, but a crown -shaped circumference was still visible on the vehicle. Police officers have found a short black and yellow baseball bat from the car.
From the start, Solorzano’s lawyers said that she had significant psychological problems. She had never been arrested before.
A large jury returned real accounts and charged her with 28 counts of worsened battery and two counts of worsened attack with a motor vehicle. Judge Shelley Sutker-Dmer was not guilty of all charges because of Wednesday. Sutker-Dmer ordered all parties to return to the court on 8 April to determine the following steps.
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