Serial rapist has attacked 3 women on Logan Square, the police warns

Serial rapist has attacked 3 women on Logan Square, the police warns

Chicago – A serial rapist is free on Logan Square, warned the Chicago police on Sunday evening and said that he has focused on three women in separate attacks since January 14.

The attacker recently hit the 2600 -block block of North Troy around 3:40 am on Sunday. According to preliminary information, the man approached a woman from behind, showed a knife and abused her sexually in the corridor of an apartment building.

On January 18, the same man is suspected of sexual abuse of a woman on the 606 path. That attack took place in the 2800 block of West Bloomingdale around 3:10 am

The police said that the first known attack took place at 9:30 am on January 14, in a residential building in the 3400 block of West Armitage.

As in Sunday’s attack, the man approached the other two victims from behind. The police said he had also used a knife in one of the first two crimes.

The CPD warning described the attacker as a Spanish man who stands 5’6 ″ to 5’10 ”long and weighs 150 to 175 pounds. He is 29 to 35 years old, unshaven and has short black hair.

Five detectives area ask everyone with information that could help their research to contact them on 312-746-6554 or to submit an anonymous tip on The police have grouped the crimes under crime pattern #P25-5-005.

CWBCHICAGO was founded in 2013 by five residents of Wigleyville and Boystown who had been discouraged with inaccurate information that was provided during meetings of the local community policing (CAPS). Our coverage area has since been expanded to cover Lincoln Park, River North, De Loop, Uptown and other North Side areas. But our mission remains unchanged: to provide original reporting of public safety with a better context and more detail than regular media. Our editorial e -mail address is

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