If you thought Tucker Carlson couldn’t get any weirder after claiming he was “physically mauled” by a demon that left claw marks on his body, guess again.
Carlson made the dubious claim Monday on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast during a discussion about spirituality that stemmed from his recent claim he’d been attacked by a demon.
Somehow the conversation morphed into Carlson decreeing that anyone who thinks reproductive rights are a good thing is “evil” and practicing child sacrifice.
Carlson then claimed that people who don’t agree with his thinking are “worshiping abortion, the killing of kids, not as something that, like, needs to happen unfortunately, but as something that is good, that’s pro-abortion.”
He then proclaimed that abortion likely causes hurricanes.
“I’m sure I’ll be attacked for saying this, but I really believe it. People are like, oh, well, we had another hurricane, must be global warming,” Carlson said. “No, it’s probably abortion, actually. Just being honest.”
Carlson continued: “You can’t kill children on purpose knowing that you’re doing that in exchange for power or freedom or happiness, whatever you think you’re getting in return. You can’t participate in human sacrifice without consequences.”
You can see the exchange below.
Not surprisingly, Carlson’s theory that abortions cause hurricanes produced some stormy reactions on social media.
Some posts pointed out that his theory goes against data suggesting that hurricanes have increased even as abortion rates have dropped over the last four decades.
Another person noted that hurricanes are common in tropical Nicaragua despite very strict anti-abortion laws.
Other critics posted their own thoughts.
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One user jokingly suggested that Carlson might be on to something since “he is the one being mauled by demons.”
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